HotCRP is software for managing the conference review process. It combines ease of use with power and flexibility. Thousands of sites have deployed HotCRP, but offers features not available anywhere else.

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  • Easy-to-use, customizable submission form
  • Optional registration phase
  • PC conflict collection
  • Configurable PDF format checking


  • Collect per-paper PC preferences
  • Assign papers by hand, in bulk, or automatically
  • Globally-optimal automatic review assignments
  • Flexible conflict management




  • Customizable review forms
  • Advanced formatting, including LaTeX math
  • Multiple rounds of reviewing
  • Offline reviewing
  • Review delegation and external reviewer invitation
  • Collect feedback on review quality

PC meeting

  • Comments and review responses (rebuttals)
  • Order papers by votes or ranks
  • Live meeting tracker keeps PC in sync
  • Custom decision types
  • Mail users

USENIX integration

USENIX uses HotCRP to manage all its conferences and workshops.

    ACM integration integrates with ACM’s publication services. HotCRP helps with copyright assignment, final-version submission, PDF checking, and proceedings construction. Conference administrators can easily run the publication process themselves, reducing cost and error and shortening production times. And thanks to a site-wide service agreement, ACM-sponsored conferences and workshops use at no direct cost.

    • Collect eRights forms (copyright assignment)
    • Collect final versions
    • Check PDFs for ACM compliance
    • Embed missing fonts
    • Collect ACM keywords, references, and classifications
    • Order papers into sessions
    • Cover wizard: create beautiful ACM-formatted covers
    • Contents wizard: create contents automatically
    • Export a single bundle with all files required for the ACM Digital Library

    Request a site

    ACM-sponsored conferences, journals, and workshops may use at no direct cost. Select site class “ACM-sponsored”, or select site class “SIGPLAN-sponsored” to enforce SIGPLAN’s standard submission and reviewing terms.

    USENIX-sponsored conferences, journals, and workshops use at no direct cost. Your site will be created for you by USENIX.

    Conferences, journals, and workshops financially sponsored by IEEE must select site class “IEEE-sponsored.” Payment is due after the submission deadline.

    Independent conferences, journals, and workshops should select site class “Independent.” Support is limited to bug fixes. Payment of $7.50 per submission is due after the submission deadline.

    Teachers at educational institutions may use in classes for free. There is no support, and approval requires evidence of actual classroom use, such as university or school email and an associated class number. Select site class “Classroom.”

    Anyone can create a live test site that you control. Test sites have email restrictions and limited lifetime.

    Email Eddie Kohler with questions.
    Examples: “hotos23”, “nsdi23posters”—only letters, numbers, and dashes; must include a two- or four-digit year
    Examples: “HotOS XVIII”, “NSDI ’23 Posters”; please include a full year (“2023”), year abbreviation (“'22”), or conference number (“1”, “III”)
    Example: “18th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems”
    Administrator login

    Administrator signin

    If you don’t know the password, leave it blank and your conference creation request will be sent to the administrator for approval.